国际学生入学申请 Application for Admission
1. 申请时间:为了更好的方便国外留学生申请来西安外事学院就读,原则上并不限制申请截止日期,全年受理外国留学生申请XAIU手续。一般情况下,当下学期办理下一学期来XAIU就读的国际生的相关手续。
1. Application Time: For convenience, we recruit students all the year around.a. For the Spring Term: The application is accepted before February of the previous year.b. For the Autumn Term: The application is accepted before June.
2. 申请入学条件:完成高中学业,身体健康且年满18周岁,愿意遵守中华人民共和国法律条例及西安外事学院的规章制度的学生。
2. Admission Requirements:
a. The applicants should be 18 years old or above;
b. The applicants should be graduated from high school;
c. The applicants should be in good health;
d. The applicants should obey Chinese laws and regulations as well as the rules and regulations of XAIU.
3. 申请程序:
(1) 申请所需要的文件材料
(2) 当工作人员收到申请资料后会尽快寄发给申请人以下文件材料:
a. 受理通知函
(3) 务必请申请人携带上述两个文件去中国驻当地使馆或领事馆办理签证手续
(4) 来华之后的相关手续会由西安外事学院的相关工作人员负责协助办理
3. Application Procedures:
⑴ The applicant should prepare the following documents:
a. A copy of “Application for Admission of Xi’an International University” to us by mail or email 2 months before entrance;
b. Photo page of Passport;
c. Education certificate or diploma.
⑵ After getting the application form authorized, we will send the following forms to you:
a. Admission Notice;
b. Visa Application Form for foreign students (Form JW202) issued by the China State Education Commission.
⑶ You should apply for the visa to come to China in the local Chinese embassy/consulate with the 2 documents we mailed to you.
⑷ After the entrance, we are responsible for doing other work for your study.